Saturday, September 25, 2010

When Leadership is not needed

Leadership has always been associated with power, traditionally the power to dominate a group. But, today, this power is fast evaporating. Now, we are more readily moved by the power of ideas, innovations. This makes leadership more like guerilla warfare, something local, small scale and fluid. The bottom line is that leadership promotes a new direction for a group and it does not have to be associated with an executive position. Anyone with a good idea to champion can show leadership upwards and sideways. Being a leader in this sense has nothing to do with managing a team.

When it is not needed????

Leadership is not always needed in all situations. In fact when it is not needed, attempts to lead are irritating at best and may result in the would-be leader's advances being rejected.

Expertise When followers are expert and capable in the jobs that they are doing, then there is little need to lead them in the tasks that they are doing.

Self-Driven When followers are already motivated in the job that they do, then there is no need for the leader to seek to enthuse them for the work.

Task Character Leaders are not needed when the task is such that leadership has no value.

Predictable When the task is structured, routine and unambiguous in all ways, then once the follower knows what to do, then they probably do not need any further attention (at least in the task-focused sphere).

Feedback from Task When the task itself provides sufficient feedback on how the person is performing, then there is no need for the leader to do this.

Satisfying task Some tasks are so intrinsically satisfying, that virtually anyone doing them find them interesting and enjoyable. In which case, the motivational actions of a leader are not needed.

Cohesive team When the team of people in which the target person works is focused on the task and work well together, then others in the team will act as effective leaders, building motivation and showing the way forward.

Formal organization When the whole ethos and culture of the company is around creating structures and controls, then leadership is probably inappropriate and would be rejected in favor of structured management approaches.

Distributed team When the team are geographically spread, then leadership in this virtual team is difficult or even impossible.

These are the times when a manager need not to show his leadership quality to his subordinates.



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